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PAA - Field Trips


PAA - Field Trips

PriceFrom $5.00

    Arthur Academy
    Dugsiga Dadweynaha

    Arthur Academy kuma takoorto mid ka mid ah barnaamijyadeeda, nidaamyada, ama dhaqamada ka dhanka ah qof kasta iyadoo loo eegayo da'da, dhalasho, midabka, naafanimada, asalka qaran, ku xidhnaanshaha siyaasadeed, jinsiyad, diin, jihada galmood, heerka mujaahid, ama sifo kasta oo kale lagu ilaaliyo sharciga.

    Arthur Academy does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination in any of its programs, procedures, or practices against any person on the basis of Age, Disability, National Origin, Race, Color, Marital Status, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity or any other characteristic protected under the law.
    Civil Rights Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
    Title IX Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
    504 Coordinator: Kandice Burton,
    ADA Coordinator: Stephani Walker,

    For more information about Civil Rights/Title IX 


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