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Arthur Academy waxay raadinaysaa macalimiin xamaasad leh oo dhiirigeliya kuwaas oo…

  • Waxay u heellan yihiin dardargelinta guusha waxbarashada iyo aqoonta arday kasta

  • Leh xirfado maamul oo togan oo heer sare ah

  • Taageer falsafada Arthur Academy

  • Ku dhiiri geli korriinka iyo korriinka ilmo kasta ee fasalka

  • Hayso taageero sax ah & shahaadooyin waxbarid


Ma xiisaynaysaa ku biirista kooxda Arthur Academy?

Fadlan u soo dir: Warqad dhammaystiran iyo resume (waa inay ahaato mid dhammaystiran iyadoo muujinaysa xiisaha, shahaadooyinka iyo waayo-aragnimada lagu dabaqi karo booska)

Arthur Academy kuma takoorto mid ka mid ah barnaamijyadeeda, nidaamyada, ama dhaqamada ka dhanka ah qof kasta iyadoo loo eegayo da'da, dhalasho, midabka, naafanimada, asalka qaran, ku xidhnaanshaha siyaasadeed, jinsiyad, diin, jihada galmood, heerka mujaahid, ama sifo kasta oo kale lagu ilaaliyo sharciga.


Arthur Academy is seeking enthusiastic and motivated teachers who…

  • Are dedicated to accelerating educational achievement and academic competency of each student

  • Have excellent positive classroom management skills

  • Support the philosophies of Arthur Academy

  • Encourage the growth and development of each child in the classroom

  • Have proper endorsements & teaching certificates


Interested in joining the Arthur Academy team?

Please apply:


(Cover letter & resume should be comprehensive while demonstrating passion, qualifications and applicable experience for position.)

Resource Coordinators

Campus locations:

  • Portland

  • Troutdale

  • Woodburn

To Apply:

We are looking for people to work in a school setting to monitor students at recess and lunch, help keep the school clean and assist the school staff with other duties as needed.

Clean, sanitize and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and shared objects between uses.

Maintain clean and disinfected environments, including classrooms, lunchrooms, bathrooms and playgrounds.
Apply disinfectants safely and correctly following labeling direction as specified by the manufacturer. Keep these products away from students.
Operate ventilation systems properly and/or increase circulation of outdoor air as much as possible by opening windows and doors, using fans, and through other methods.
Facilities should be cleaned and disinfected at least daily to prevent transmission of the virus from surfaces.
Ensure there is air circulation and filtration in buildings.

Help students remember to wash hands before and after using playground equipment.
Designate playground and shared equipment solely for the use of one cohort at a time.
Disinfect between sessions and between each group’s use.
Maintain cleaning requirements.
Maintain physical distancing requirements, stable cohorts, and square footage requirements.
Provide signage and restrict access to outdoor equipment (including sports equipment, etc.).
Design recess activities that allow for physical distancing and maintenance of stable cohorts.
Clean all outdoor equipment between cohorts.

Ensure all staff who are serving meals are wearing face shields or face covering.
Ensure students wash hands or use hand sanitizer before meals and should be encouraged to do so after.
Maintain appropriate daily cleaning of meal items (e.g., plates, utensils, transport items) in classrooms or where meals are consumed.
Constantly clean and sanitize all of the meal touch-points and meal counting system between stable cohorts.
Regularly clean tables between meal periods.



Arthur Academy
Dugsiga Dadweynaha

Arthur Academy kuma takoorto mid ka mid ah barnaamijyadeeda, nidaamyada, ama dhaqamada ka dhanka ah qof kasta iyadoo loo eegayo da'da, dhalasho, midabka, naafanimada, asalka qaran, ku xidhnaanshaha siyaasadeed, jinsiyad, diin, jihada galmood, heerka mujaahid, ama sifo kasta oo kale lagu ilaaliyo sharciga.

Arthur Academy does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination in any of its programs, procedures, or practices against any person on the basis of Age, Disability, National Origin, Race, Color, Marital Status, Religion, Sex, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity or any other characteristic protected under the law.
Civil Rights Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
Title IX Coordinator: Stephani Walker,
504 Coordinator: Kandice Burton,
ADA Coordinator: Stephani Walker,

For more information about Civil Rights/Title IX 


Xubin ku hanweyn

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